Sunday, February 21, 2010

ProLife Profile

I've decided to launch a new initiative with verifying candidates pro-life positions with a stamp on their website. These Prolife Profiles aim to give 3rd party verification for pro-life claims. I believe this is necessary given the increasingly life-supporting tendencies of the electorate and, thus, candidates' talk. To the right is the logo with all its factors and below is a description of each.
"Conservababble's Prolife Profile"

Each gold star is full support while silver stars are partial or weak support for the life position.

*Top 3 are the trimesters of abortion. 3 gold stars in those positions means full and dependable opposition to each. For instance, George W. Bush would get 3 gold stars while Barack Obama would get a silver star for the 3rd and a skull and crossbones in each of the first two.

*The bottom star on the left regards euthanasia.

*The bottom-right star is the death penalty. A gold star means opposition in all cases while a silver star is opposition in most or in all but the most extreme cases.

*The "heart plus+" symbol to the right of the text signifies the proactive-change orientation of the candidate. There is a HUGE different between merely "defending" life and "promoting" pro-life positions. George W. Bush would not have gotten this symbol: his party had control of the Presidency, Congress, and the Supreme Court for 6 years and accomplished little in regards to promoting pro-life positions.

I hope the logo has been helpful to you and please note that candidates/candidate staffs have to contact me and be vetted by me or vouched for by someone whose judgment I trust in order to legitimately use this endorsement.

Please share this with campaigns you know of: it's not effective if it's not used!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Herb-Derived Medicines: Marijuana and Opium.

My reaction to anything people say is to read history. For medical pot, I look to China in the early to mid-19th century. When the British came a-knockin' with Indian Opium in 1792, the Chinese Emporer was all "aiite, sounds's a medicine and all." By 1826, the fabric of urban Chinese society was entirely destroyed. In 1838, the Emperor appointed Lin Zexu to go to Canton and demolish the opium trade. In 1839, the British sent troops to enforce the opium trade's existence - they went to war with China over opium (known as the "Opium War" lol). The medicinal effects were entirely overlooked and a lot of suffering happened because of it.

Psychoactive drugs destroy societies

What happened to "medical opium?" By the 1860's, scientists had taken plant-based opium (poppies) and made a mass-producable drug: morphine. From morphine we have oxycodone, common codeine (which is in Tylenol/Excedrine today), and thousands of other drugs: all much safer with fewer side effects, less addictive capacity, and more targeted results than.........smoking a plant.

Marijuana is not a wonderdrug. It's a plant. The medicinal properties of it can be isolated and made into a painkiller: we dont need to be getting cancer patients stoned to get rid of their headaches. Just as opium has bred a bunch of commonly used, excellent drugs, cannibis can breed "canniboids." Dronabinol already exists (known as 'Marinol') and is, like morphine, a very crude drug. Instead of investing so many millions in the regulation of medical pot, why not have drug companies make drugs out of it? It's, you know, what they do.

After all, we live in the modern world: we dont rip up grass and light it on fire to get rid of minor aches and pains.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Christian Candidacy

As I prepare to campaign, I've been thinking about what a Christian campaign looks like. This is something we all need to be thinking about, especially with a primary on August 3rd. Now, with the indirect help of Overisel Reformed's stellar Pastor Scott Lokers, I've reached some conclusions I'd like to share with you.

Before beginning, I have to clear a few things up. To those of you concerned about the "separation of church and state" (especially the one or two violent secular fanatics who read this): we do have a separation of our churches and our governments, yes, but no such separation exists between faith and politics. Second, conflict between Christians is not necessarily non-Christian. Fighting becomes non-Christian when it is not done constructively and not done virtuous, God-glorifying solutions.

In the electoral pursuit of these solutions, Christian Candidates (CCs) must have the intellectual humility to accept that our democracy and our God use conflict to find better ideas for the People (Eph 4: 15-16). It is through popular sovereignty that we see our Sovereign (Col 2:18-19). Therefore, a CC must have the humility and honor to propose ideas to voters and, then, focus on contrasting their ideas' predictable risks, rewards, and secondary effects with those of their opponents (Prov 18:12-13; James 1:19-20, 5:16). It goes both ways as well: CCs have to keep their egos small enough to accept that their proposals will always have flaws (Gen 4:12) and that acting in a positive way on these flaws (fixing or scrapping them) can and will restore all of us toward Jesus Christ (Rom 2:1-4, 14:3; Gal 5:22-25; Col 3:13-15). It points to a profound commitment of non-partisanship in thought: CCs are men and women who have ideas while they themselves are owned by Jesus, and loyal to Him only (Phil 2:7-8). A CC has to prayerfully analyze each and every piece of policy for themselves and not automatically side with their party or a certain interest group (1 Thess 2:2-3; James 1:19-20; Gal 5:23; Rom 15:1-6; Prov 18:13; Mt 10:16).

In actually running a campaign to communicate ideas, CCs must discipline those who work for them to adhere to the correct principles. Toward the opponent, Christian campaigns are respectful, truthful, non-judgmental and have an open dialog about the virtues of those running (Rom 14, 15:1-6; Phil 4:5; Col 3:13-15). False or half-truthful disparaging remarks made for quick political gain are forbidden in Christian tradition (Phil 2:1-11; Acts 15; Gal 6:1-6). All Christians are sheep among wolves: we have to conduct ourselves a positive, inclusive manner free of the fleshy negativity of our politics today (1 Cor 6:1-6; Rom 2:1-4). Like all of us, CCs have to stay focused on glorifying Him in thought, act, and life if He is to bless their works (Isa 37: 34-35). We Christians are just like the donkey that carried Jesus into Jerusalem: it might look to us like we're getting a lot of attention, but that praise is really for the One we lift up!
