Monday, December 21, 2009


I am, right now, proposing an Asian Carp Empathy Museum in Chicago. Given this time of UNPRECEDENTED CRISIS, this STIMULUS project is entirely necessary to educate the public and policy makers so that they will not take rash action that will harm the fishes' collective psyche. We should show the Asian Carp that we recognize their intelligence and that we are willing to reason with them, perhaps offering some kind of COMPROMISE to their leader. Also, we will CREATE JOBS for several hundred brothers- and sisters-in-law to not show up to work on their three-day week and still be paid their salaries of $200,000/yr. Anyway, I'll get on with it (I've gotta crack at Obama's town, sorry).

So we all know about the Asian Carp (big, flying fish that eat a lot of plankton and weigh up to 100 pounds/ grow to 4 ft long) that are in the Mississippi River and headed for our beloved Lake Michigan. Illinois has been making an effort (we think) to prevent the spread and "kill" (a bad, violent, sexist, racist, evil word...of course) off the fish. The Feds gave the state $13million to help pay for the process, however, Michigan's Attorney General Mike Cox says that's not enough.

I did think it was high time for yet another high-profile lawsuit to come out of the good AG. He is, after all, running for governor. His lawsuit basically states that the Supreme Court must order the closing of Chicagoan locks (like the Soo Locks, eh?) until the threat has subsided. This is a decent enough idea...but it shows Cox's inability to act outside the system.

Now, Cox says that "ONLY the Supreme Court can save us now!" (I may be paraphrasing a bit...) and it shows his lack of grasp with big ideas. You want to stop the threat? 9 elderly people in Washington DC are not the only way to stop fish. How does one stop fish? Fishermen, duh.

Call me naive, but lets get Ted Nugent, a handful of my uncles, and several thousand other Midwestern fishermen to skip their annual, unproductive ice fishing trips and get on down to the city. I think that the obvious the 'out of the box' solution here is to have a Million Man Carp Shoot! Have the government buy the fish by the pound, use the TARP/Stimulus money, and combine the bad economy with the carp problem and come up with a solution. Other ideas include: bombing the schools (to clarify for our MEA union friends: I mean schools of fish), killing them with a virus, an oil slick on top of the water, killing all the plankton in the area, releasing whatever eats the carp into the water, hiring pet food companies to catch them sans bureaucracy, etc.etc.etc. The problem is that no one thinks.

Cox can zero in on the Supreme Court and be a political opportunist all he wants, but this is the result of the entire region's state governments operating just like Mike Cox: within our broken system of established protocols and bureaucratic guidelines...

Asian Carp and other invasive species are 21st century problems that they're trying to solve with 20th century methods. Cox has shown, here, that he's a resourceful 1970's lawyer...a fact that disqualifies him, in my books, for Michigan's governor in the 21st century.

...and think about that Carp Shoot idea...

Check the video's comments! THOUSANDS of more original ideas than Cox's!)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Free Trade vs European Neo-Imperialism

Fair trade proponents live in a looney universe: what evidence do you have that politicians, government, and corporations are going to institute self-damaging, 'fair' policies to 'help third world countries?' They dont. Since 'fair trade' started after colonialism ended, former colonies have gotten poorer and mother nations richer.

Mutually beneficial, free-trade policies permit the free flow of $capital$ between two nations. This allows an investor to build a factory in a God-forsaken, poor part of the world in order to unlock their individual genius and wealth-creating capacity. This has proven to be enough for poor individuals to quickly pull themselves out of absolute poverty and improve their standard of living.

It all happens while supplying the investor's nation-of-origin with staple goods cheap enough so individuals and businesses can amass side $capital$ to develop and purchase the technologies and products of tomorrow.

In the long run, both nations get richer and the weaker nation is protected from its neighbors by the strong nation's naval and air power.

Evidence: Japan, South Korea, and dozens of other countries and instances.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Nature of Homosexuality

So, how controversial do you think this is? Immediate responses to my detailing this to anyone has been immediate, angry denial. It's like the medieval Catholic response to Galileo!

Homosexuality is not just a life choice.

a. From my studies on the subject, I've garnered that homosexuality (particularly male) begins in the womb with a deficiency in androgenic (gender-making) hormones. For instance, a gay male was probably exposed to either too much androgenizing hormones in the womb without a significant difference between the amounts.

b. The lack of a significant ratio favoring testosterone (for males, both sex hormones for females) generally results in 'brain malformation' (i.e. it didnt form right, see below) while the increased levels of androgenic hormones results in the 'hypermasculine' traits of gay males: higher mean sexual partnership, larger genitalia, more testosterone, and deeper voices.

c. This malformation typically manifests in the areas of the brain which are sexually 'dimorphic' (Women have symmetrical brains with a higher rate of transfer between the lobes, resulting in better language skills while men have a large left brain resulting in better math and logic skills). A gay males' brains are usually symmetrical while almost always feminine in the areas that are sexually dimorphic (this is based on the severity of the amount and the ratio); the left side of a lesbian's brain doesnt explode or anything, but the dimorphic areas are masculine (particularly for the 'butch' lesbians)

d. Thus it can be extrapolated that, to the cries of feminists, homosexuality is largely reliant on the presence of a male androgenic hormones (being in a woman, exposure is typically constant in amount of feminine hormones). This makes it a form of autism (which is a severe limitation of natural brain functions due to the presence of male hormones in the womb).

e. From this and the experiments regarding autism, prenatal testosterone supplements treat autism at large, but have had huge success curing homosexuality.

What do you think?

Monday, November 9, 2009


We sit on the edge of the great American tragedy...the crown jewel of socialist takeover has just passed in the House at the very same time Berliners are celebrating the American-catalyzed reunification of their noble city.

It seems that we have handed a respect for individual liberty to Eastern Europe...but, in less than 20 years,

we have lost our souls.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Islam and Negative Patriotism

September 11, 2001 ignited anew the expression of patriotism in our world. As it has progressed, that patriotism, as patriotism does, has become both positive, as in the faith in Americans and their America, as well as negative, which pushes a view that others are 'bad.'

Those 'others' have, primarily, been Muslims, of course. While we all understand that the radical, strap-a-bomb-on-and-kill-a-crowd crazies arent the same as most Americans following Islam. It is entirely antithetical to the American ideal to have a 'negative' patriotism. However, 'Moderate' Muslims have become a 'target' of this phenomenon because of their seeming inability to answer tough questions about their religion and differentiate themselves from the fundamentalists.

Tough questions like: why do you support a guy, Muhammad, who beat his wives, led an army, and said "I am the prophet that laughs when killing my enemies.” (Hadith)? I have not heard any Muslim organizations explaining how Islam is a 'religion of peace' while involving facts like '1 in every 55 verses in the Muslim Quaran and Hadith are concerned with Allah instructing his followers to make war on unbelievers.' These are hard questions, but Islam has to answer them: it's part of the clash with modernity which the Islamic community is currently involved in.

When Christianity clashed with modernity, there was this little tiff called the Reformation which was followed by several wars (Protestant split from Catholic church). There was a lot of the stuff we're seeing today in Islam back in Europe when that was going on (citizen vs. citizen; a lot less destructive given that they had to duel with foils and muskets). Hopefully, there will be radical changes to Islam itself...or more Muslims will simply convert and be saved :)

---Please, Muslims (I know there are a few that read this!), if I have misrepresented Islam here, please comment and I'll add revisions. On that same note, please respond to the questions in how you think they ought to be addressed (please dont give the standard Medinian/Meccan line on the whole thing).---

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why I Oppose War in the Republican Tradition

Many of you have seen me advocate support for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, many of you have read posts on why we cannot pull out and why we need to win. I feel that I need to clarify my anti-war, pro-troop stance and, perhaps, give all of you a little to think about. I'll do this through a comment conversation I've had with a friend on Facebook (I am sorry for how long this is). The comments have ended with my most recent post, but I will update if he replies.
Intro: I had posted a link and expressed my hatred of humanistic solutions and the destruction they cause (the hyperlinked Wiki page is very biased in favor of Humanism, it is much more specific then the European authors of that page have detailed).

My friend, Nevin, responded with this:

Nevin: I think that anti-war posturing i've heard you making is one of those ''humanist solutions" you talk of. meaning the ones that leave a lot of destruction and unintended consequences in their wake.

Me: If being anti-war is to be intrinsically linked to humanism, we're definitely headed for WW3. I oppose war not on a respect for the human being (if human beings make wars, how can a humanist oppose it?) but on a respect for life & the idea that a nation can sin by sending its citizens to kill. While it's stupid to take war off the table, it has been WAY too common for our nation in the past 125 years and especially in the last 20. You can call it humanistic if youd like, but humanism in and of itself is not theistic and, therefore, is incompatible with my stances.

Nevin: my point is that wars are actually good for life. If you have a respect for life, deeper study in the matter should take you to the conclusion I'm at right now; that war is a good thing for life. Lets leave the theology out of this and look at it from a scientific perspective, like a good political scientist would do. Even from the theological perspective, killing isn't sin. Anyway, humans going to war with each other helps keep population densities down to a more sustainable level. World population at present is not a sustainable thing, which means we need war and we need it now.

Me: lol I would have to say that there are no 'good' political scientists...and to be a good political scientist you must be theological ;) Those who wrote the Constitution and the Declaration were theological, werent they? ;)

This has to be long to counter the incredible stupidity of the statement 'we need war.'

Looking at the resource-technology squares (which i will draw and post on friday if you want me to), as you expand tech capabilities, you expand available resources. For instance, a Japanese farmer gets 16 times the yield per acre our farmers do and we get upwards of 30x the amount African farmers, using mathematics, the world would be entirely fed if Americans produced the same amount per acre as the Japanese do and the market distributed it effectively. As for the availability of fresh water: Tokyo, Beijing, and New York purify dramatic amounts of water for their citizens.

What does this all mean? Dont be an idiot, Nev, we do not 'need' war as a way to bring down population; to see it that way is very shortsighted and does not take in the lessons of history. If the Chinese on the eastern coast all used the methods of modern Africans to acquire suitable living conditions for that 1.1billion people, there wouldnt be 1.1billion people on the coast. There is a pressing need for an massive increase in the market's ability to distribute resources to those who need them.

In the 1930s in America, bad government policies under the Agriculture Adjustment Admin. mandated crops to be slashed and burned just 50 miles outside Topeka, Kansas as people in Topeka, Kansas starved to death. In the United States today, the government stores billions of pounds of food until it rots while thousands of children in Africa starve to death. We have effectively developed the free market to meet our needs at home, now we have to export that, and the food that comes with it, to the closed places of the world. The problem here is the UN and the EU (and the WTO and the IMF...etcetc): they block most of these proposals because major member nations (China, Japan, UK, France, Russia, us) continue to extract natural resources out of the 'former colonies' in Africa. Those who are extracting are allied with African dictators and so-called "illiberal democracies" who further block/take the aid shipments international organizations dont stop.

Here is where theology comes in: the Church can bypass all that bullsh*t...and they do. Though, instead of going over on just another mission trip, why not work to supply these mission groups with big government aid packages to be delivered and distributed by faith-based volunteers? Bush got that and pushed for it. Obama does not and is opposing it.

War is stupid, better government is necessary.

Nevin: The founding fathers were not particularly theological. They were mostly all masons, and were a lot closer to pagans or atheists than they were what you would probably consider pius christians.

Let say humanity went the route you're speaking of here. Lets try to predict where that is going to take us and the world.

Lets say we get africa to start farming with better techniques. In fact lets say we get the whole world farming with the best techniques for efficient farming we know of. Prices go down, living becomes easier, become a lot less concerned with how many kids they have and population continues to expand. However efficient your farming methods are, they aren't infinite, so once your population reaches a point that a certain plot of land can no longer feed them, what will that population do? Expand out past the edge of wherever their current farming ends.

This cant go on and on into infinity, because there is only so much space on our planet. I'm sure at some point you had one of those science classes where they tell you about the cycle of life, and organism A eats B, B eats C, C eats D, D eats A sort of thing. Larger in scope, but you understand the concept. If one organism disrupts the cycle of life it will eventually come back on them. For example, if we just kept expanding our farming, we'd be depleting sh*t loads of everything in the process, but lets just talk about the rainforest for instance. If we clear all the trees and vegitation so that we can feed more people from farming, there wouldn't be enough oxygen being produced, not to mention all the effects to the life cycle not having a rainforest would do.

So I hope this makes it clear, that there is a point of critical mass we can reach where we will have no option other than to fight each other over resources. We would be quite foolish to ever take the situation on this planet anywhere near that point. Which is why a good means of keeping our population at sustainable levels is absolutely necessary for the continuation of life on this planet, or we could have another mass extinction.

I think war, with a set of intelligently designed rules and regulations for it, is the best way to control our population, as opposed to birth control and one child policies like China has enacted. That is a connected topic, and its tough to see why war would be better, but it is. Is there anything you would further dispute here?

Me: For their time, the Founding fathers were very today's standards? Not that much, but we cannot project modern values on them and their (it might be said "wacko theological") contemporaries i.e. soldiers.

Theoretically, technology can expand resources indefinitely. If there is 'only so much space on our planet,' we'll find another one. Hydroponic farming in laboratories has increased even the Japanese farming techniques by more than a hundred fold in yield. We simply need to invest heavily in these techniques (Detroit is probably the best place to begin large-scale hydroponics...they have a very large number of unemployed, many empty buildings, and an incredible amount of potential that is suppressed by union culture and horrid schools) and bring it to profitability. Do not be European and put an artificial limit on resources...that is the path to rationing and, given the response to this health care artificial limitation: that is NOT the way we do things this side of the pond. We overcome our problems with production; that is why there are no limits to where this people can go.

Argh, Nev, you've been corrupted! Watch The Patriot: there is no honor and no rules in war! War destroys resources even further than going to war over them! It has taken 150 years for Georgia to overcome Sherman's march to the sea! Your argument is self defeating...

In the 60's and 70's, the Soviets were designing a type of submarine...not your average, everyday type of submarine. This one would hold enough nuclear power to eliminate an EIGHTH of the EARTH. For example: BAM! and 1/8 of the planet's crust would be gone. They were going to design 9 of them....8 to destroy the world and 1 to especially nuke the Great Lakes region. They would be detonated if communism failed: if the Soviet Union lost the Cold War. Thankfully, this was denied halfway in...but only because it would destroy the 'other communist nations' and 'proletariats,' not because it was evil.

I'm curious, Nev, why not kill yourself? And, on that note, why not systematically hunt down all your facebook friends and kill them? Your parents and grandparents, your brothers and sisters. Annette Richards? Michael Dean? Surely this would keep the population down nice and well.

Catch your tongue and consider what it would be like if it was done to you: if you, or the young lady youre interested in, fought, suffered, and died in one of your wars. Me? I'm not going to risk a cousin or a brother in a war I wont fight in unless it is undeniably necessary. Even then, I would seek daily absolution for that most egregious sin.

I know it gets off topic (especially me) once in a while, but I hope it's got you thinking about war and its applications. I'm just sad that the Goldwater/Reagan anti-war Republican standing broke down under Bush. Throughout the 20th century, war was always a Democrat going to the other side of the world and trying/failing to change it. You'll notice that war did not bring down the Soviet Union, an inspired peace did.

Make sure to comment with your thoughts! I've set it so you dont need an account and can post anonymously!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The next time you stop at Grand Valley State...

The next time you're at GVSU, stop out in front of the Zumberge library (that building administration intentionally leaves in decay). To the left of the very bottom of the stairs, you will see a piece of the Berlin Wall.

I've walked past that spot hundreds of times. Touching that chunk of concrete and mortar, I felt one thing and one thing only...

Oppression is real.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sarah Palin, Sexism, and Board Games

The other day, I was playing Harry Potter Clue with Katelyn, my brother, and his friend. In the game, the rules are largely sex-neutral (there is a small thing about the gender of the character you play as, but it is statistically unnoticeable) and this got me to thinking: why cant we just have rules like that in society?

A friend of mine, as well as several other males, are very good conservatives but are virulently sexist. They wont admit it directly due to the social stigma, but they wont give specifics as to why they wouldnt support Sarah Palin as a candidate in 2012. The only logical conclusion is a hidden, perhaps unknown even to them, gender bias. If Palin represents the 'New-er Feminism' as the cover of Newsweek says, does my friend and those of like-mind represent the 'New Sexism?'

To answer the question, both phrases must be defined. I see it as obvious that Palin's feminism deviates from the Left's model by centering it not on what Democrats want women to be, but on women's self-determination. For example, if she wants to be a stay-at-home mom, 'hear her roar.' However, this also entitles women to choose to be moral figures. Radical, cut-men-to-pieces feminists will say that is simply a regression to pre-liberation oppression and, thus, deny support those who advocate such moralities as a pro-life agenda or small government - like Sarah Palin. The picture above illustrates this beautifully; it's pretty simple to see how factually incorrect the poster is (no woman has ever been as close to the presidency). It's also a demonstration of how stupid the Democratic party thinks we are. However, I'd like to propose that we make the social, political, and economic milieu (environments) allowing of full, individual prosperity for all people.

I do not mean only 'economic' prosperity; in 1964, Barry Goldwater said that "it is the socialist who subordinates an entire individual to their economic standing" while forgetting the spiritual, familial, and all the other tenets of personal prosperity and happiness. Advancing women does not just mean having female CEO's. I advocate rights and equal treatment for all people: this means getting rid of welfare initiatives politically targeted at females. This means scrapping race-based, sex-based, faith-based, and any other nonessential predisposition of any governmental recognition of the individual.

Like Harry Potter Clue and other board games, our rules need to recognize people as free players on the great stage of life, nothing more and certainly nothing less. A simple recognition such as this allows you and I to determine who we want to be, regardless of any preset characteristics bureaucrats and politicians believe we should have. So, to you so-called 'feminists,' I, a conservative male, am a more progressive, more forward thinking feminist than you are. If you support women and only women, you must start supporting Sarah Palin for President. I, on the other hand, havent decided who I will support; but I can assure you that, unlike 'New Sexists,' I will weigh all candidates on balanced scales over the next three years.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Castles in the Sand

As we continue to endure this recession, as more people lose work, and more savings evaporates, Obama continues to assemble monuments to himself. The latest is his presiding over a UN meeting in which the Security Council passed a meaningless paper resolution to "end nukes." He's passed an unbelievable and dangerous number of multiple-billion dollar programs (ranging from the $1.2 billion 'Making Home Affordable' to the $1,200billion 'stimulus' plan). Now, he seeks to impress upon us a fact-denying, ludicrous health care plan, energy tax, and union-coercion act. For me, these monuments show that he wishes to be the Father of the American Socialist State.

Does he wish a statue of himself, molded of gold and silver, to indoctrinate students that pass and look up at the leader who destroyed their world? Does he want to be a successful where Woodrow Wilson was a failure: in setting up a New World Order?

Does Mr. Obama not know that the tides of history will wash away his sandcastles?

No matter what monuments he builds to himself, Obama's nuke-free utopian fantasy along with his gambling with Europe's safety will disintegrate all in radioactive fire. His bureaucracies, though they are the closest thing to immortal life we see here on earth, will rust and crumble; his statues, fall.

We've always had two great parties in this country and they are not the Republicans and the Democrats. We must offer the bold, historical choice between the party of big government and national failure, and the party of the American people and freedom and renewal. We must choose to be the latter and we can bring realism, sensibility, and stability back to this world. Only real change and realism in the tri-partisan tradition will fix America, and the New Republicans can do it. God's not finished with us just yet.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Time for Choosing

There's been a flurry of reports in the last few months over Afghanistan. As you may have read or heard, things are getting worse: July and August were the worst months in years of the war in terms of casualties. I wouldnt be complete if I didnt mention that some of the problem is Obama's fault. He put in place several directives to "protect civilians;" being that our enemies use these civilians as shields, these policies have resulted in some casualties on our side. With the politicking out of the way, I can get to the necessary facts.

Michael Mullen, US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman - a big guy in the military, first called for more troops in Afghanistan (sending 21,000 during the Afghan elections) and "stalled" on liberal calls for allowing morale-damaging gays in the military. Doing his job (read: these two grievous offenses) provoked Sen. Susan Collins (D-somewhere) to request a review of the 'rules of engagement' from Mullen (meaning that she doesnt have confidence in his work). In the executive branch, the reaction has been much less exciting: Obama has stated that he will not make an 'immediate' decision on sending more troops and that he's going to be boring and "take a very deliberate process" of decision. In other words, Obama has reached a time for choosing and he doesnt know what to do - therefore he pulls over his legacy from the senate...and does nothing.

On the side seemingly pressuring him towards giving up on the war is the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Michigan's wonderful senior senator (who hits the deck if an engine backfires) Carl Levin, seems to think he and his life of Lansing, caviar and fine wine are better suited to make military judgment calls than those who eat MRE's and sleep in foxholes outside Kabul. He's supported by the liberal lifestyle groups, European socialist nations, and my more libertarian friends. Cumulatively, this support is a remnant of the arthritic "New Left" who would scrap the war effort on the advice of a few misguided, anti-pragmatic leftist faculty members who, themselves, are holed up in a fantasy world. This, however, is the world Obama comes from.

Thus his choice: he can choose to side with those who actually understand the issue, or he can play politics, satisfy his base, and secure renomination. Judging from the Guantanamo Bay Prison issue (where Obama decided to close it against common sense, the majority of the American people, and Dick Cheney), Obama will side with his Lefty base in order to gin-up sufficient inflammation to pass the energy tax, health care, and "card check." On the other hand, Dem Sen. Max Baucus' Gang of 6 (which includes John McCain...the ranking Senate Armed Services Committee Republican, who fervently disagrees with Levin's anti-war recommendation) has just released a misguided health insurance bill that will need some GOP support to have legitimacy post-passage. Upon the desk in the oval office sits one choice: it is a complex choice when viewed through a political lens yet a simple one if based in common sense.

If he decides pragmatically, Obama will apply Patraeus' model in Iraq (troop surge, essentially) with a little flexibility to compensate for Afghanistan's historical lack of a developed government. This choice will get harder and the conditions worse the longer he puts it off; regardless of what he decides, his decision will dramatically shape the future of the Obama presidency. I, for one, hope the president makes the prudent one.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

College is bad and adolescence is worse

So, I've just started my second week of torture at Grand Valley State University and am already seeing a white imprint of I must not tell lies on the back of my hand. As opposed to this view, most people see college as an important growth stage between high school and adulthood. Herein lies the rub: I am already an adult.

That statement is not just an immature rambling of a teenager wishing he were older: there is evidence that I and others see. To name a few: I connect with very few people my own age, I associate much more with people far older than I am, and I am set in who I am. This drives a very divisive wedge between me and my classmates with the most relevant example that I think and live for 100 years from now while a good 80% of them live for friday night. Many of my classmates are here because they are supposed to be, they are here to develop themselves as people and change their fundamentals which will lead, presumably, to their building a personality upon these changed principles.

If youre a friend of mine or a long time reader, you understand that I know who I am. The difficulty of this relatively simple advancement in maturity is far tougher for many people to empathize with than one would suppose. As those my age in my life change, our relationship -and I as a person- become(s) somewhat of a relic of a past life to them.

I dont write this as an angst-filled projection of my feelings, but a real analysis of what I, and others like me, go through in a culture dominated by central ideas. This process is not unique in history whatsoever, but its frequent occurance in the textbooks doesnt make it right nor tolerable. Like single mothers, I and others must face or deflect hard, teary realities our peers are simply exempt from.

Now, let me go on record saying that I choose to face and not deflect them. Confronting ones problems and not dismissing them from thought is a key step in maturity, one I have passed yet others seem to linger behind. Whatever happens, I know that I am actuated in this human struggle by a higher Being and I pray He grant guidance to me and to all of you that survived reading this post :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fascist Michigan?

Hello again...I apologize for the delay, but I have been getting settled in here at GVSU and that point has finally I can write about something that has been irking me for a while.

As you know, Granholm has been awarding these single tax incentives to single companies in the tradition of Spartan Stores and Meijer being written into the state tax code (Examples: 1, 2, 3). This will***** create a comparative handful of jobs based around 'green' things over the next few years.

These tax incentives show that Granholm accepts the premise that lower taxes bring jobs to Michigan. She is, however, giving these on an ad hoc basis to companies that will forward what she sees as her 'legacy.' However, she's enacting her economic plan to blow us away, or as we here in reality call it, a Fascist model of planning the private sector.

I'm serious. You know I'm not one to make seemingly outrageous claims like this...but Granholm's case-by-case evaluation of privately owned corporations for move-inducing tax incentives is the defintion of 'soft-Fascism.' Put this softie stuff on top of her iron fisted, anally constrictive regulation framework (once the corporations are actually in place) and you have carrot-and-whip, Moussolini model Fascism. Remember, the Nazis were the National Socialist German WORKERS Party...and what are the Dems? Buddies of Big Labor. It's scary stuff....GVSU itself is bribing (with actual money) students to tattle on others who break oppressively specific 'school rules. This, along with the snitch website of Obama's, shows a brutal, Brown-shirt trend among this nation's left that has me deeply worried.

This is further exposed by the Left's tendency toward Orwellian New Speak in calling small government conservatives, 'Nazis.' They can continue to do this, there's nothing stopping them. We just need to win the arguments. The little secret the elite media hides from us is that we are winning! Obama's losing on health care because of free-thinking, individual Americans not part of some socialist closed-shop union. Obama's lost the Gitmo-closing issue because of Dick Cheney and a thousands of discerning citizens in search of the truth.

Keep it up! :D

Check out this video:
Wouldnt it be nice to tell GM: "Hey, what will it take to bring your production back from Mexico? Lower taxes? What will make us better than Mexico or China?"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bob's Holland Sentinel Letter

'Feds No Friend to Michigan'

When times are tough, it is always instinctive to look to a friend for help. With state budget deficits and unemployment soaring, more and more people are looking to Washington for help. I have to express caution about any effort to land help from the federal government.

by Rep Bob Genetski

The feds are no friend to Michigan, and examples of their “help” leave Michigan taxpayers poorer and more frustrated than when they first needed aid. Michigan’s infrastructure, roads and bridges are in dreadful shape. In looking to the feds for help with fixing these, our state receives back 92 cents for every Michigan taxpayer dollar we send to Washington in the form of the federal gas tax. The U.S Department of Transportation does send more money to MDOT, but the feds tie strings to it, forcing Michigan to spend the money on highway rest stops. Even if Michigan’s dire need is for roads, Washington forces us to rebuild highway rest stops and our state loses the money if we do not spend it in that manner.

When our “friends” in the federal government passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, better known as the stimulus bill, to “create jobs,” only 12 percent of the $7 billion translated into infrastructure projects. Some might argue that state government is so intertwined with the feds that the two are not friends but in fact dating. If this is the case, Michigan is in an abusive relationship or dating a control freak. Either way, we have to question any friendship that makes us buy highway rest stops when we need roads.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Socialized health care...leftism as an umbrella to best streamline society to take according to one's abilities and invest according to one's needs. When you can eliminate people having needs (i.e. aborting/killing...'euthanizing,' 'dying with dignity'...them allows for more to be pooled per capita in the whole. It makes total utilitarian sense to simply dispose of the handicapped and the retired for they do not produce into the nation's economic well being. Obama's health care plan is now and will come down to utilitarian thinking..."are you, cancer patient, worth the investment? Is there an acceptable chance you will live and produce into the pool more than you are drawing for this treatment?"...I simply cant accept objectifying human beings into a grand economic scheme...this is why I opposed the MI Legis. bill to fund abortions as way to reduce social services costs...this is why I oppose this healthcare plan. Not one of our ancestors that made America great thought just of dollar signs and budget items, we lead the world because of the human factor: the freedom factor.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Democracy...but not.

We live in a country where the people run the government, right? No, of course wasn't set up that way and doesn't exist today. There are elements, however, that run on 'direct democracy.' These are purportedly at the state and local levels with specific concentrations in states that were overwhelmingly Populist or Progressive just over 100 years ago. Alas, the tides have turned against this noble, American tradition, we see its demise in Saugatuck...

When a millage is voted down as the Saugatuck school millage was on the basis of school administration mishandling money, is it really democracy to propose the millage over and over until it passes? There shouldn't be anything as a 'routine election result' in this's bad for democracy and horribly for our government.

Routine elections breed complacency with problems and an opposition to new ideas. This comfort of position is the singular reason it took 25 years to add a new lane to the runway at the Atlanta airport...and why it's necessary to shut down the bureaucracy in Michigan to effect change. This is not a sustainable path we are is our responsibility as citizens and conservatives to break the machine...

Do it...teach the kids fancying themselves administrators in Saugatuck a lesson and vote no. Speaking as a former student in Hamilton, it would be great for the Saugatuck imports to attend the state's finest high school.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Just thought I'd write a short post to put a few predictions on record...S.L.P (Standard Liberal Procedure) is going to govern the defeat of Obama's health care takeover as it will Obama's Cap and Tax (is that what people are calling it?). Newt Gingrich has foretold the end of Obama's health care tyrannization and has chalked it up to taxes...this means conservative roots still draw pract in America, but they need to be fertilized...same goes, in my opinion, for Obama's euthanization of manufacturing in America.

Americans want health care reform and we want to serve as good stewards of the environment both for our children and for our future selves, but we are too smart for Obama and see past these EuroFail-inspired plans.

My predictions:
Obama's failures are going to be blamed on the "American unwillingness to sacrifice" for our "fellow citizens of the world." Basically, "you dont want higher taxes and that's a bad thing." They're going to pull out all the liberal stops in 2012 (this guy is the Democrat Machine's greatest hope of survival in the 21st century) and call in race, media, etc. etc.

We'll be told we are a backwards nation, that we have to "give to ensure the independence and prosperity of all" (commit to a welfare state). He'll probably even make a "Four Freedoms" deal with the nation (FDR's speech focusing on the "Freedom from Want" outlining his hopes for a New-Deal-Inspired welfare state....the "Four Freedoms" were freedom from want/fear, freedom of worship/speech).

They'll tell us that we've never known a "peace in the world so sweet" or a "prosperity so rich;" maybe it'll be that we are, due to the ARRA, on a clear "launching pad into the future."

We can beat all of this...with campaign contributions and banding together as Republicans :) This same process has played out numerous times over the last century...we beat it in '20, '68, '80, and 2000: we can do it again...we just have to try this time.


I hope you're all well...I suggest tuning out of the news for a few weeks if you want to feel better about your world :P

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Full Moon, A Lasting Peace

I've been sitting here under a brilliant full moon pondering those unanswerable questions reserved for the night when I happened upon the concept of the moon's phasing, constant vigil over our horizons...this Creator's Peace, if you will, is something we should always seek. Of course, our human flaws will prevent us from ever finding an eternal peace on Earth, it is in the quest for a lasting peace that we must find our purpose.

Here the lyrics of a country song come to mind: "Somewhere in the race we run, we're coming undone...." We strive, more and more, for personal gratification; socialists and liberals who subordinate a man's entire meaning to his economic position will tell you we, in our greed, strive for economic prosperity and personal enrichment. I've never understood why this is bad...economic gain is a tool, the use of which is very diverse and very individual. Broadly, however, we use our economic wealth for personal gratification in one form or another.

The Xbox game that costs $60, buying processed wood to construct a piece of furniture, smoking, "tricking out" your car: all examples of personal gratification purchased through economic welfare. Where I propose we are 'coming undone' is in the progressive expression of this prosperity. At this point, you are shaking your heads saying, "I buy what I want with my money!" and that is all fine and well. But we are losing our way, 'coming undone,' by being idiot consumers in our quest for gratification.

I, myself, fall victim too often to the powers of laziness and disregard the impact of purchasing something small from a company that abuses its workers overseas. As a conservative (oh jeez, a political word), I am committed to a lasting peace, my fellow man, and the idea that a rising tide lifts all ships: prosperity. These are all undermined by ignoring the ripple of buying shoes from an Indonesian Reebok supplier refusing to put finger guards on sewing machines or picking up jeans from a Levi Strauss supplier which employs children (both abuses have been targeted and solved). We dont think much of it, but when you and I empower the belief in state-run living by buying the "Made in China" label, we add to the growing mountains of lead-ridden plastic crap piled on our vessel of peace, pressing our hull deep into the dark waters of war.

We are, even now, embroiled in a cultural and military war with radical Islamists; they fight against what we have allowed ourselves to become: conformist, slavish, Tickle-Me-Elmo, YES-WE-CAN maniacs. I am weary of this war. A lasting peace with Moslems and the world comes not from Washington nor from any of the powers that be. Our endowed freedom comes with the responsibility of self-determination: we have to decide who we, individually, are going to be.

This is the rendezvous with destiny of our time: when people are tired and hungry and scared, they turn to liberals, socialists, and fascists who promise them food, freedom, and power yet deliver none. Free markets and free enterprise always deliver prosperity, but it is up to each of us to decide that it will be the right kind of prosperity to make people free and to promote a lasting peace on Earth.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

100th Post: In-Dependence Day

Happy 4th, everyone....As a student of history, I enjoy celebrating a band of hardy revolutionaries out to create a nation 233 years ago. Not only is this a special milestone for our nation, it's a special milestone for our small Conservababble've survived 100 posts (according to Blogger's counter, not my own)! Anyway, while we have illustrated our independence daily by living out those beliefs opposed to the concerted machine, there is a certain irony to celebrating our nation's independence.

On this day, I ask you to celebrate our rich, independent history while expressedly mourning the dependence of our people. Is it not the people that make this country America? Why, then, do we celebrate American independence when so many are and will be dependent on government for their economic (and, for liberals, spiritual) well-being? The Congressional Budget Office released a report titled the "Long-Term Budget Outlook," a lengthy report from which media outlets get their doom-and-gloom numbers. It details how defecits will hit 7.5% of GDP in 2020, 15% in 2035, and "well over" 45% at the end of the 75-year budget window. The CBO blames grandma's and Mr. Schuur's dependence on government for these defecits.

Are they right? Of the report, they detailed that retirees are to blame for 64% of entitlement growth (which is interesting to note...who makes up the 46%?)...this number will, of course, grow as baby boomers begin to retire. This is the situation we're seeing in California right now....they've exceeded the ability to keep people dependent...therefore are abolishing totally a working framework in favor of unsustainability and destruction of wealth.

I read somewhere that 32% of Americans directly derive their economic well-being from the government...I'd really like that stat's location, but I cant find it. These people were described as teachers, police, bureaucrats, politicians, military men and women, among other things. I think that number is too high...this is not France or Sweden...this is something we need to fix.

So, tonight, when you are 'celebrating with great revelry' and launching your fireworks, remember those indignant souls culturally brainwashed and accepting your money. Happy In-Dependence day, folks, lets hope we have another.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cobo Update

Updating the Cobo Center situation from "Drip Drop in the Cobo" ...

This was posted at the Detroit matter if Detroit is a complete and total failure, this is a dangerous precedent against federalism. I suppose the Left is trying to save face on the Detroit is their culture and their government, after all, that have let it fail.

I hope youre all well...I have another metaphor in the works at the moment :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blood on the Potatoes: To Gov. Sanford

The title of this post (and its brevity) descends from my peeling my index finger while preparing potatoes at work today...and I'd like to relate it to Gov. Sanford's 'sex scandal.'

Maybe its just because I've lived with the fact my father had an affair nearly all my life, but I don't think Gov. Sanford ought to resign.... So what? He peeled his finger while doing a good and fast job peeling the potatoes of superfluous government and exposing hearty liberty. When I nicked my finger a little, I didn't simply stop peeling potatoes, that would have been the coward's way out: my fear would have won; instead, I continued what I had been doing before albeit a little more carefully at first.

Governor Sanford has been doing a great, fearless job in South Carolina...his mistake merely reveals that he is human. To give up and resign now lets Democrats, the media, GOP leadership, and his own fear deny all the good he's done in subordination to something half of them are doing right now.

This is my open statement to Gov. Sanford: hang in there...these things pass: look at Newt Gingrich's marital history, it's 100 times worse than yours yet he's still a name routinely mentioned to lead the party of reform. We may be silenced by a political establishment that shuts our brand out, but don't let them shut you down...we still have strong fingers to type strong and clear words to the American people: you, Gov. Palin, Gov. Romney, and others....if you give into them, that's one bloody stump closer to an unclear, muddled, and losing message. And if that happens, the potato skin of tyranny will block the enjoyment of liberty until the whole crop rots in a thousand years of darkness.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Are the fat ladies singing in Holland?

It's official....officials in the Holland area have floated (no pun intended) the idea of grovelling in front of Washington/FEMobamA for help with their little bit of water...WHY? Let's answer the question from an individual's point of view...

The city of Holland is like a homeowner...their basement got wet (very wet), as did their car. Now, if this homeowner was intelligent and thoughtful, they either bought flood insurance if availiable, have an emergency savings account, or are allowed lines of credit. The logical course of action would be to remove everything from harms way (enlisting the assistance of neighbors to whom this individual would return future help if anything happened to them) and then pull in repair funds from insurance, savings, and/or by taking out a loan. What, then, is the FEMA-equivalent in this metaphor? God.

I've always been raised on the idea that "God helps those who help themselves" and it fits: the city of Holland psuedo-conservatives wish to pray to FEMA/Obama for intervention. If an individual did this, they would sit on the entry floor's comfiest couch and pray that God would make everything right downstairs...would he? Probably not. Will FEMA? Probably not.

God could get rid of your basement's problem by burning your house down (it would be fittingly ironic)...FEMA will make everything right by moving thousands out of their houses and into "temporary" trailers while they paid thousands to go to lunch, break things, and stand around watching city employees do work...oh, and they would put signs in that say "This assistance brought to you by President Barack Obama, our lord and savior."

According to the metaphor of the homeowner (within which is my advice to individuals with basements flooded: buck up and do it yourself), the course of action for Holland is simple: enlist help from surrounding counties based on a gentlemens' agreement of an 'owed favor,' pull out some loans, draw off your savings (which you should have, always), and work the union guys beyond union limits paying time-and-a-half...after the job is done, ensure that future heavy rainfalls will be efficiently drained into the Big Water right next door.

We have local governments for a far as I know, the local governments are still standing so there is no need for FEMA mobile bases...buck up and do it yourself!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Night Without the Internet!!!

I cant help but comment on the awesomeness of the storms last night....but, thankfully, I had only left my laptop at Katelyn's and our power, thanks to a wonderful nuclear plant just south of here, stayed on.

Just wanted to drop a few lines about the media response as well as the preparedness of our area for the flooding....

Point 1: Why dont reporters help anybody? Back when the norovirus was hitting Hope, the reporters didnt help anyone get out before it was quarantined and, last night, WOOD TV 8's reporters just stood there and watched people get stranded...its sad, really.

Point 2: I was told that last night's kind of rain happened about 10 years ago...and again last year...and, of course, this year. I wonder what can be done...what great undertakings can be accomplished at your local (and I mean LOCAL) town hall to prepare West Michigan for these regular floodings? We have one of the biggest lakes in the world right next to us...we just need to dump the water into it...very easy, yet so hard.

Thank you and I'm sorry its so scattered :(

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Recognizing Real Economic Recovery

I've come up with a method of tracking economic gains in your area...on your own. It all started with the question: "Why the heck do we watch the stock market anymore?" It's so very politicized and, thus, gimp as an economic tracker. Same goes for the Treasury department and all the other 'politically recognized' tracking institutions along with all their numbers, figures, and projections. My alternative: food serving staff.

Waiters and waitresses, restaurants and bars: these jobs are a direct beneficiary of real economic recovery. If property ownership is easily and plausibly attained, they can own houses; if real unemployment begins falling and consumer confidence is really on the rise, tip revenue rises and the work/reward ratio becomes more favorable. When the economy falters in one area or another, these 'little guys' suffer much more than others and in much more diversified ways.

This diversification enables a secure tracking system no matter what policies businesses have to......endure; for instance, if taxes climb and reduce extra cash-on-hand, servers at Restaurant Toulouse in Saugatuck suffer more than, say, a Bob Evans franchise. Well...there's more to this line of thinking but I think I've gotten the basic point across...some econ nerd should test this theory out...

I hope you're all well and surviving Il Duce...Katelyn's mother was talking to the few of us sometime over the weekend about something to do with Obama's car companies (I have a bad memory...just look at my report cards) and reminded all of us to accept that we cant change Granholbama's policies and that we must acheive our happiness through looking forward to the bright, post-Obama future for America's.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Facebook politics

We all know that there is a tremendous impact on our culture from emerging social networks...yet older generations are largely absent from this sphere.

One application I use when discussing this impact is in the realm of workers' argument is, simply, that Facebook makes a continuous union entirely irrelevant. With real-time group updates, any employee can communicate en mass with all other employees; if there is a perceived abuse (lets say a contract violating staff meeting OMGrsh!!), the employee that feels strongly about it could contact all others and organize resistance against said staff meeting very quickly...and for *free.* This bypasses all need of and all use for union personnel which have classically been committed to doing said organizing for a living. Further, this decentralizes 'the union' to the point where it not only gets back to caring about the workers, it is composed entirely of small, voluntary efforts directly from professionally equal workers. The most recognizable flaw in that framework is human laziness and the will to $pay$ a bit to have someone else make your career decisions. Regardless, this is a small-scale example of the greater decentralization of American culture.

Our nation began as one focused as much as possible on decentralization of power and culture. As we "progressed," we happened upon a little guy named FDR and the trend was reversed until, as technology has progressed, we return to the upward course toward a generally decentralized culture (not a democracy, political changes always follow cultural changes). We can use television as an illustration: in the 50's, you have 5 shows to watch at any given time; today you have (in my household) over 900. The difference isn't just the amount of channels, of course, its what is on: today's shows/songs/entertainment are much more tailored to specific demographics and lives where people will be most comfortable with them...this is at direct opposition to the beginning days of TV where, if you were to watch television, you had to accept culture you weren't used to...this socialized a more monolithic cultural unity.

Today, I don't have to watch MTV or other liberal stations. I can watch a Fraiser re-run every night, be entirely content and fully secure in my cultural identity. This disassociates me with Monica Conyers, Hank Williams Jr., Pierre from Montreal, Adolf from Germany, Abib from Saudi Arabia, etc. etc. With our type of selective data accessibility, we don't have to see outside our adopted norms nor do we have to even speak with people from our colleges.

My Blackberry Pearl allows me to just speak with Katelyn and a handful of pre-existing friends; if I choose, I don't ever have to 'make' friends again and it's not even necessary that I speak to my Laker peers. I can block all but an isolated group of peers from my Facebook StalkerFeed (a list of news on what your 'Friends' are doing). Effectively, we can cut ourselves off from any and all socialization beyond that which has already occurred...and we do.

As stated above, this is nothing new: geographically-based social isolation is in our American blood! The post-war rise of the 'sub-division,' small towns ('nuff said), pop-culture-famous neighborhoods in New York City, lifestyle based isolation (Saugatuck/Douglas), immigrant communites (Holland, Chinatown): these all have existed for hundreds of years and all are based around the cultural pluralism that existed at the Founding. Now, the current trend is nothing cant stop it, I cant stop it, and the government surely cant stop it.

The latter point destroys hope for a D.C. central government with anything above basic power: decentralization of culture MUST be followed by a return to the wells of democracy at the local and state levels. If you don't, you end up with the USSR's premiership in the Oval Office...someone (like Obama is now) who presses ideas based on the President's perceptions (which are vastly different than, say, mine) leading to totalitarian domination of segments of the population (i.e. what is typicalized as the the "white middle class" but is actually made up of all races, nationalities, religions, etc. It is the achievement class, a group centered around personal drive and capitalism, that is being targeted by this administration in favor of those Obama thinks inherently 'deserve' to be bettered.)

The threat is not that Obama is doing things "wrong" (we simply see them differently...the money is going away from us to those "deserving," but for Democrats, the money always comes from benevolent and kind government officials) but that he's being powerful, period. It's not right to force your norms and mores upon anybody, a decentralized system prevents this type of oppression. With Facebook generating 'artificial towns' and the economy being more and more online, we are shuffling to be with those we're comfortable with in settings of our liking. Socialism doesnt work because it overrides fundamental differences and dismantles productivity (See: France). The only sustainable answer is returning to localities/states, where government stays with people already on my Contact list, that think along the same lines as 'me,' and are right down the street/highway.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Journalists, Courage, and Union

I know I said I would do a tradition of Lincoln post if the news was hasnt been, but my noodle has been cooked by a recent event...

From what I've heard, two female journalists were working near the DMZ for Al Gore's company and have ended up in North Korean (commie) custody. Being that the communists of the last, oh, 185 years havent been known for their kindness and compassion, Kimmy Il sentenced them to 12 years of hard labor (a.k.a. cruel and unusual punishment) for "Grave crimes against the Korean nation."

This situation reminds me of something TR had to deal with back in 1904. For the record, TR is one of my favorite Presidents (I respect his modernization of government...more importantly, he first broached an early conservatism both at home and abroad) and I did remember much of the topic, yet I'm not that smart and did do some research.

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"

Ion Perdicaris was a Greek-American working as the American consul to 1904, the diplomat-aristocrat was abducted by a rebel band (Moors titled Berbers) lead by a notorious Robin-Hood-like brigand named Raisuli. Raisuli's demands were $70,000 and some territory out of the Morrocan sultan. This didnt fly under a courageous president.

Roosevelt immediately issued the big-stick line "Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!" which was toned-down by John Hay, the Secretary of State, in a telegram "The government wants Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead." Following the telegram were several warships, dispatched by a direct order from the president, and, upon their arrival, the hostages were released.

Lets compare results to Obama....the 2009 White House released this statement: "We are all focused on the journalists very closely. And by we, I mean all levels of the US [Federal] government. These are young women with families - one with a 4-year old daughter - and we are making clear to North Korea through many channels that they should be released and reunited with their families."
. . .

Liberal journalists or not, these are American citizens and it is our spineless President's JOB to get them out of there! I'm afraid that Mr. Obama will never understand that you cannot simply talk to madmen...I fear more that these women, most likely raped and tortured already, will be forgotten by a political machine too alike North Korea in its willingness to sacrifice many for an ideology.

With wimps populating the highest offices, all we can do is pray for them.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Trailing thoughts sparked by Allegan's Lincoln Day Dinner

Hello again, Katelyn and I spent the evening at a fruitfully attended Lincoln Day Dinner for Allegan County GOP earlier tonight...for those who are unfamiliar: the county GOP's have been holding Lincoln Day Dinners as fundraisers...this evening was 'ours' and I dragged Katelyn along. These events are typucalized as generally 'insider' and I'd like to comment a bit on the thoughts provoked by the two I've experienced.

For one, Katelyn and I were probably the only two people under 21 there...that's's always irked me with the defecit in Republican incursions into the 'youth vote.' Young people WANT conservative values! People dont seem to get this...Obama won a bunch of youth votes over with the word "Change;" this directly tells us one thing: young people dont like American political culture. If I could fully classify American political culture here, I'd be a much more wealthy young man (we can file that under the "Projects" catagory....right next to explaining why people vote and retracing Louis and Clark's journey via kayak)...but the pervasive idea -maybe you've noticed this- traces to government and political dialogue being dominated by 70's liberal entrenchment.

The bureaucracy is big-government liberal, the Congress has been big-government liberal for nearly a decade, Bush was being big-government liberal - Republican/Democrat, the politick walks and talks like the government is the actor. Intelligent youth who, like their Obamaniac peers, are seeking a direct outlet for these pro-change attitudes have turned to Ron who is the true opposite of the contemporary politick. Still, both of these groups are generally small and, even then, reduce their involvement in the minimalist tradition (seeking to avoid participation in the corrupted politick they wish to change). This puts them at the same level as their apathetic peers in their understanding of the format of party politics.

In doing that, what they and most people dont understand is the remarkable lack of politics at meetings like the Lincoln Day Dinners. Perhaps my life is just so jam-packed with useless political squabbling, but I noticed that most attendees tonight mostly discussed things normal people discuss (WHAT?!?!) like how the Red Wings were doing or about 'the kids.' There is a mass issue with lumping together the real and calcuable divide: the conservative formulates political positions based on how he lives his life; the liberal conforms to positions and then bases their lives around them. For instance, a conservative doesnt change their appearence to make a political statement, liberals do (see illustration...I'll post later with more of an explanation)...
-----(In an 'To Be Continued" conclusion)-----
R's do mean something different than D's...when they do strongly, R's win. If we go after the multitudes of young people, treat volunteers well, and expose our common-sense-intelligence, this party will be back to power even before the election!

I wont drone on further...I do wish to, for attention purposes, leak the subjects of the upcoming pieces which will be published quite consecutively: why I'm not worried about the Republican party, about 'perception politics,' and maybe one on Lincoln's tradition if the early week is slow on news.

Remember, if you have anything you'd like me to write about, just leave it in a comment, send it to me via facebook or email, or tell me personally.

Dont let Obama getcha DOWn!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Call to Action: Local Government

I thought I'd do a quick reminder for you to not forget your local township or city meeting this month.... Ours is next week monday and, given the past few weeks' developments, it should be something 'fun.' I was reading up on local news (can we call it that?) to prepare for it when I happened upon some wonderful idiocy on the part of our township leaders: (from Heath Township Minutes)...
  • "The township does not know why this is taking place."
  • "Ron [supervisor] has spoken with one of the members and due to economic conditions they do not feel this would be a feasible issue to place before citizens as a ballot issue."
  • "This needs to be adopted in order for communities to remain eligible for federal and state mitigation funds. A motion was made by Boerman and supported by Schipper to adopt. All ayes. Motion carried."
  • "Sheila [clerk] commented he is free to contact any reporter and ask them to do an article addressing his concerns."
  • "Misti will contact our retired workers to fix this." For clarification, it's a gate that needs a Master Lock...
  • "Supervisor Jones was absent.;" "Schipper and Boerman were absent.;" "Treasurer Lindholm was absent.;" "Jones was absent."
I've made the decision to get involved because of the above list. The next predictable step is to urge you to make sure that the people your taxes are paying are actually doing their jobs...this is much more possible when these people are just 5 minutes away in one's go-mobile...that being either a legitimate car or an Obamamobile made kindly by UAW bureaucrats at Guvmint Motors....

So...go google your township or city, hit the meeting, and stir up some conservababble! American politics is opposed ( ;) ) to the economy: it's not trickle-down, our politics clamber upward...just like our is up to YOU to get rid of Chicagan cesspools in your area in order to prevent more infected pols.

UPDATE: Take the blog written by 'Live Dangerously' for example: "ORGANIZE: Take Muskegon Back!" That's getting involved and we ALL have to in order to beat a machine with more $ behind it. We'll take votes over contributions anyday :P

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Minus posting droughts.......

I have to apologize for the lack of posts in the last few months...I realize many people have forgotten about Conservababble and moved on with their lives...hopefully not under Obama's spell.

A lot has happened since March 27th and we, as a family, have to get back to pooling our ideas together...and I, personally, have a few for discussion. These will have to wait...

In the future, I want this to be an intellectual forum. For instance, I'll put up a topic with some sources and, via the anonymous comment option, you can expand on it. Does this seem like a good idea?

Further than that, I think we can expand the scope to incorporate a common-idea outreach to conservatives in crisis. This stems from a former mill(?) worker I talked to in Plainwell that was supporting Obama due to his needing the benefits the Dems promised...though he was 'one of us' before he had lost his job. This is a situation we're seeing more and more...especially as men/breadwinners are disproportionately effected by recession. 

In order to win those votes, we have to win this argument. To do that, you have to reassure (i.e. use logic) a vast majority of unemployed conservatives against government "security"...this means giving to charity, studying scriptures for verbal use, talking to people you wouldnt generally discuss politics with, and anything else you can use to both divert attention away from Daddy Government and make necessary attention negative.

You and I can expand on this idea later but, for now, everyone has to keep up the fire alive within extended families and among neighbors, and co-workers. My next post will be logging what I've been doing since late March in the context of developing political relations has been interesting working in my antithesis (French restaurant in a gay mecca) and still spreading Conservababble at its usual pace.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dams, Levees, Bridges, and Liberals.

Dams, levees, bridges, and other public works failing is something that happens in the THIRD WORLD! We are too wealthy to accept the current bureaucracy..

 While it is sad it brings up a good point: Liberals seem to romanicize living in a mud hut and dying of public works failing...there's no reason we should ever have to see something like that happen in America ever again.

 I have to clarify, of course: the solution is not to keep dumping money into the programs as Obama is going to, but to reduce the current budget in real and creative ways. I'm essentially proposing that we rethink and reform the way governmental services are delivered (from the municiple/township level on up( and reduce cost and, therefore, taxes. 

I apologize for not posting as much, but I havent gotten more than 6 hours of sleep at a time let alone have time to blog :(

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Wow...I'm as tired of class envy as I am race-based divisionism....

Get over it: Dodd admitted on CNN that he knew about the bonuses so its not any sort of 'advantage' of the Dems...just a distraction from Obama's policies that his teleprompter has created. 

Anyway, its less than one tenth of one percent of the money they were given...earmarks make up 2% of the total spending by Obama's why are the AIG 165million in bonuses significant and the 2% of Congress' insignificant???

Idiot libs.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

If Rush is the head of the GOP, is Jon Stewart the Grand Wizard of the Dems?

Liberal Democrat Jim Cramer was publically insulted by Partisan Demogogue, host of the Daily Show, Jon Stewart for some mistakes that he (and literally millions of others) made concerning the financial crisis as it was hatching out of its rotten Obaegg...

Cramer might be a liberal but he knows how things work (at least as much as a liberal can) and he had committed a Deadly Sin of attacking Obama's economic policies - saying that he had destroyed more wealth than any president before him...which is true. If he just made the mistake of prediction, Stewart would have never lashed out at was the comment about The Obama that set the machine working against Cramer. Illustrated in this case is the ranching mentality of the Democrats modern political machine; they keep their cows/sheep/whatever in line by whipping them back into formation. (The GOP, on the other hand, keeps its troops around central principles and excommunicates those who dont follow those principles.) 

So Cramer became a traitor to The Obama. Instead of dirtying himself, The Obama and his Gibbs went on sniping at Rush while the machine commissioned Jon Stewart to put Cramer in his place. This is just the bad politics of the Democratic party. They dont have, and dont want, anything but party hard-liners preaching the Socialist Gospel to all of us through the  media. The reassertion of this fact came about when Cramer appeared on the Daily Show (a liberal comedy show...anything liberal is comedy, of course) and kissed Stewarts expression I heard referencing Steele and Rush.

A simple observation can be made correlating the two actions. When Steele apologized to Rush, he wasnt apologizing to the man but to the ideas he represents soley because conservatives dont put faith in people, we put faith in ourselves and in ideas that have proven true throughout history. The same holds true for Cramer...he wasnt making nice to Stewart, he was slobbering all over The Obama and his ring (The Obama's ring, unlike Stewarts, is contains the crushed dreams of millions). 

If you dont like it, get out and get involved in 2010 and 2012...bring an end to The Obama's destruction of personal property.