Saturday, October 2, 2010

The News Blast for 10/2

Second newsblast: news you can use!

1. Lib rally crowd estimated at "175,000 to 200,000" by...lib media. Capitol Police have issued no official estimate (big surprise...).

Check the pictures:

'One Nation [Forcefully Divided by Race, Income, and Employment status] Working Together' liberal rally:

Remember, this is 175,000 to 200,000.

"Restoring Honor [And God] in America" Glenn Beck Rally, cited at 60,000 to 70,000 and 87,000 by liberal media:

Both are pictures at the 'peak' of the gathering (I couldn't find aerials of the liberals as they're probably embarrassed at the turnout)

Now let's compare them:
Red = ONR dense crowd (people pushing themselves together), Blue = ONR Loose crowd (noticeable space between between people)

Notice how the crowd tapers off and people are moving toward the 'dense' area in the ONR picture above.

So, if we accept the lib media estimates of crowd size, did the Glenn Beck rally (which dense entirely around reflecting pool, under all the trees, the WWII memorial, and the side field; while loose only behind the WWII memorial and in a small portion of the side field.

2. Political gridlock as the economy drifts - if you think this is bad, wait until Republicans take over. Obama doesn't have the experience to play the political game, and the most effective Chief of Staff in the last two decades left on Friday. Obama's screwed.

The News Blast for 10/1

First of a new pattern for the blog: quick news commentary.

I hope you'll make the Newsblast part of your routine to keep yourself informed!

1. Rasmussen: All-Time Low of 34.6% Now Call Themselves Democrats - Public polling started about 1946 and, in that time, Democrat party identification has never dipped so low.

Why is this important?
Because Democrats largely depend on a very, very old system of party loyalty/individual benefit, more so at the 'elite' level than at the base. If more people are turning away from the party right after they pushed through the best kickback bill possible (the porkulus), it's evidence that their party's model is falling apart. Virg Bernero's absolutely dismal poll numbers are also evidence of this.

2. Bank of America Asks Patience As Stockholders Stew Over Slump The slump is the result of Obama's new financial controls. This has caused BoA to shed jobs and begin putting remaining employees on VHA health insurance (the institution you'll be hearing about a lot more next year: it's the Obamacare 'network,' but I prefer 'commune' or 'collective').

Why is this important?
Bank of America is very big and very public: this makes it very good to watch for an idea about the state of the financial sector. The fact that their stockholders seem to be selling, and that they're dumping property traders, tells me the Obama financial control bill is doing as Republicans predicted: further killing the housing market.

3. CNN Fires Rick Sanchez for "Jews" Remarks The crazies are cracking and it's like popcorn out there! This is the same Rick Sanchez that said Obama was as "captivating" to the rest of the world as he is to us at home. State media, sheesh...

Why is this important?
Because it's funny, helps us and keeps our spirits up :)

Thus we conclude the random Newsblast of the day - if you have suggestions, please leave them in the comment box. I do plan on doing more main articles with fewer articles tagged on, but let me know!