Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Nature of Homosexuality

So, how controversial do you think this is? Immediate responses to my detailing this to anyone has been immediate, angry denial. It's like the medieval Catholic response to Galileo!

Homosexuality is not just a life choice.

a. From my studies on the subject, I've garnered that homosexuality (particularly male) begins in the womb with a deficiency in androgenic (gender-making) hormones. For instance, a gay male was probably exposed to either too much androgenizing hormones in the womb without a significant difference between the amounts.

b. The lack of a significant ratio favoring testosterone (for males, both sex hormones for females) generally results in 'brain malformation' (i.e. it didnt form right, see below) while the increased levels of androgenic hormones results in the 'hypermasculine' traits of gay males: higher mean sexual partnership, larger genitalia, more testosterone, and deeper voices.

c. This malformation typically manifests in the areas of the brain which are sexually 'dimorphic' (Women have symmetrical brains with a higher rate of transfer between the lobes, resulting in better language skills while men have a large left brain resulting in better math and logic skills). A gay males' brains are usually symmetrical while almost always feminine in the areas that are sexually dimorphic (this is based on the severity of the amount and the ratio); the left side of a lesbian's brain doesnt explode or anything, but the dimorphic areas are masculine (particularly for the 'butch' lesbians)

d. Thus it can be extrapolated that, to the cries of feminists, homosexuality is largely reliant on the presence of a male androgenic hormones (being in a woman, exposure is typically constant in amount of feminine hormones). This makes it a form of autism (which is a severe limitation of natural brain functions due to the presence of male hormones in the womb).

e. From this and the experiments regarding autism, prenatal testosterone supplements treat autism at large, but have had huge success curing homosexuality.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This is interesting; I have never heard this take on the matter. If you are to think that we are to belief this however, you must cite your sources. Declaring that homosexuality is s form of autism is not something that can stand merely based on the opinion of a man, much less a conservative man. Do not for a second doubt that you are second guessed more for your opinions, as sad as this fact may be.

I look forward to being able to look into the studies you are referring to.