Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blood on the Potatoes: To Gov. Sanford

The title of this post (and its brevity) descends from my peeling my index finger while preparing potatoes at work today...and I'd like to relate it to Gov. Sanford's 'sex scandal.'

Maybe its just because I've lived with the fact my father had an affair nearly all my life, but I don't think Gov. Sanford ought to resign.... So what? He peeled his finger while doing a good and fast job peeling the potatoes of superfluous government and exposing hearty liberty. When I nicked my finger a little, I didn't simply stop peeling potatoes, that would have been the coward's way out: my fear would have won; instead, I continued what I had been doing before albeit a little more carefully at first.

Governor Sanford has been doing a great, fearless job in South Carolina...his mistake merely reveals that he is human. To give up and resign now lets Democrats, the media, GOP leadership, and his own fear deny all the good he's done in subordination to something half of them are doing right now.

This is my open statement to Gov. Sanford: hang in there...these things pass: look at Newt Gingrich's marital history, it's 100 times worse than yours yet he's still a name routinely mentioned to lead the party of reform. We may be silenced by a political establishment that shuts our brand out, but don't let them shut you down...we still have strong fingers to type strong and clear words to the American people: you, Gov. Palin, Gov. Romney, and others....if you give into them, that's one bloody stump closer to an unclear, muddled, and losing message. And if that happens, the potato skin of tyranny will block the enjoyment of liberty until the whole crop rots in a thousand years of darkness.

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