Monday, December 14, 2009

Free Trade vs European Neo-Imperialism

Fair trade proponents live in a looney universe: what evidence do you have that politicians, government, and corporations are going to institute self-damaging, 'fair' policies to 'help third world countries?' They dont. Since 'fair trade' started after colonialism ended, former colonies have gotten poorer and mother nations richer.

Mutually beneficial, free-trade policies permit the free flow of $capital$ between two nations. This allows an investor to build a factory in a God-forsaken, poor part of the world in order to unlock their individual genius and wealth-creating capacity. This has proven to be enough for poor individuals to quickly pull themselves out of absolute poverty and improve their standard of living.

It all happens while supplying the investor's nation-of-origin with staple goods cheap enough so individuals and businesses can amass side $capital$ to develop and purchase the technologies and products of tomorrow.

In the long run, both nations get richer and the weaker nation is protected from its neighbors by the strong nation's naval and air power.

Evidence: Japan, South Korea, and dozens of other countries and instances.

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