Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Herb-Derived Medicines: Marijuana and Opium.

My reaction to anything people say is to read history. For medical pot, I look to China in the early to mid-19th century. When the British came a-knockin' with Indian Opium in 1792, the Chinese Emporer was all "aiite, sounds good...it's a medicine and all." By 1826, the fabric of urban Chinese society was entirely destroyed. In 1838, the Emperor appointed Lin Zexu to go to Canton and demolish the opium trade. In 1839, the British sent troops to enforce the opium trade's existence - they went to war with China over opium (known as the "Opium War" lol). The medicinal effects were entirely overlooked and a lot of suffering happened because of it.

Psychoactive drugs destroy societies

What happened to "medical opium?" By the 1860's, scientists had taken plant-based opium (poppies) and made a mass-producable drug: morphine. From morphine we have oxycodone, common codeine (which is in Tylenol/Excedrine today), and thousands of other drugs: all much safer with fewer side effects, less addictive capacity, and more targeted results than.........smoking a plant.

Marijuana is not a wonderdrug. It's a plant. The medicinal properties of it can be isolated and made into a painkiller: we dont need to be getting cancer patients stoned to get rid of their headaches. Just as opium has bred a bunch of commonly used, excellent drugs, cannibis can breed "canniboids." Dronabinol already exists (known as 'Marinol') and is, like morphine, a very crude drug. Instead of investing so many millions in the regulation of medical pot, why not have drug companies make drugs out of it? It's, you know, what they do.

After all, we live in the modern world: we dont rip up grass and light it on fire to get rid of minor aches and pains.



asd said...


Medical records management said...

Hey. Thanks for sharing your opinion. It's truly a burning subject and should not be treated lightheaded by the goverments. I mostly agree on that medical opium part... Who knows what will they think of next?

kaney said...

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