Thursday, August 7, 2008

And that's a wrap!

I know I'm late on this but I've been either busy or too tired the last two days to post up something on this:

Bob Genetski won the 88th's state rep primary! Congrats to him and I hope he can resist becoming just another one of those politicians in Lansing...I'll be watching.

Well I'm thoroughly glad that he did win and Todd Boorsma will not fade back into the crowd as an unemployed welfare slug. Shouldn't have tanked your company, Mr. Boorsma.

From here its onto uniting the Anti- and Pro-Casino groups and bringing that to Lansing.

I wish Bob the best of luck and the warning that I'll be behind him when he's right and against him when he's I hope all of you will be.

On a side note, I apologize for the lack of substantive posts in the last 9 days. It was either campaigning, eating, sleeping, or spending time with Katelyn so I didnt get too many opportunities to provide what little insight I may give on this, for lack of a better word, retarded political sceme.

I'll post up something on Micky later tonight or tomorrow. (could be one in the same)

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