Monday, February 9, 2009

Like Jihadists, Everything Gets the Gay Community in an Uproar!

I miss the days when homosexuals were quiet, like everyone else, about what they do in the bedroom. This comes to mind because, at the tail-end of 24 this evening, a Fox channel special report preview came on talking about a documentary that details the threat of homosexual activism to religious freedom. 

One, presumably lesbian, interviewee said that broadcasts of that kind are "reprehensible." So lets add 'Free Speech' and 'Religious Freedom' to long list of things 'gay leaders' just don't like.... Where's the freedom? I might think that grown men riding too-small bikes with little girls clothing on is "reprehensible," but its not my right, within reason, to stop them, is it?

Now, I do not have a problem any given gay man or lesbian woman that acts like a normal person, but those that want to toss out democracy (i.e. here) have a different message coming. It's not personal, it's politics: the principle to stand by the will of the everyday heroes to see us through to becomes that shining city upon a hill.

Also, I oppose the state granting the privilege of marriage to this group of tutu-donning militants simply because it can sets a VERY high precedent for governmental control. The state, then, claims WAY too much power and it is malicious towards freedom for the rest of us.

Lastly, I realize this is a highly sensitive issue for Christians, but the only advice a mere man can offer is: love the sinner, rebuke the sin. We've been taught to love everyone and the radical groups in SanFran wish to exploit that to further their political and financial causes. Whatever you do, please don't apologize for your conservative insticts! I do realize that I might split with some of you on this issue and that is why I, unlike those on the opposite side, am open to debate in the comments section. 

**The picture added is one from a gay pride parade...Conservababble always wishes to remain a family resource.**

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