Sunday, February 15, 2009

Minimal Expectations: printing money and handing to you.

So the Democrats have begun telling us their porkulus package isn't going to really stimulate the economy...what a surprise. I don't really have any sort of original viewpoint on this, but I would like to comment on three specific points.

1. Public Works:
States normally pick up the bill for road construction, right? It's a responsibility of the state to pave and maintain its own road is also a sphere of power reserved to the states. The federal government has no right to pay for road construction. In the Federalist Papers, the small-but-great James Madison detailed that states, in order to defend their rights, need to 'sound the alarm' on the federal government's encroachments regardless of enticing offers of money, etc. 

Yet we see Jenny No-Jobs and other governors BEGGING for the stimulus money...why is this? Centralization...the destruction of federalism through consolidation at the national central (pun intended) to the liberal ideology. It's happening in liberals favor European Unionization while the rest of...everyone else favors European fragmentation.... 

Lovely...I happen to like my state government: I can go down to the office of my state rep and senator and get results. Carl Levin wont do that for anyone who likes the constitution and the freedoms guaranteed to us by the States themselves. Just like Dominoes down from the New Deal Democrats that wanted the states to become 'Departments of Implementation' of the federal government. Conspiracy against the people.

2. Making dependent the poor and downtrodden
The biggest expansion of welfare and 'unemployment' (for those people as unemployed as Nadya Suleman, mother of 14 stimulus packages) since Bush's Medicare Part D! I just think its hilarious...change indeed.


3. Taxes:
Congrats, America, you're getting $13 bucks added to your paycheck...I wonder how much of that will disappear into's an idea: they limit executive pay in propped-up companies and historical precedent tells us that this is just another Foot-in-the-Door act that will eventually devolve into a cap on success (Welfare State idea present and enacted in Europe today and during the 30's, 40's, 50's, and 60's in America). 

When that happens, a large portion of the 86% of income tax revenues "The Rich" pay will disappear and the drop in revenue will result in the Dems raising taxes on the rest of us. Just like Dominoes.


This plan Keynesian economic theory defined...and once it doesn't work, it will FINALLY be the end of the Democrat's decrepit, 100-year-old economic ideology that hasn't worked in unison with freedom and human rights since its inception....

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