Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fascist Michigan?

Hello again...I apologize for the delay, but I have been getting settled in here at GVSU and that point has finally come...now I can write about something that has been irking me for a while.

As you know, Granholm has been awarding these single tax incentives to single companies in the tradition of Spartan Stores and Meijer being written into the state tax code (Examples: 1, 2, 3). This will***** create a comparative handful of jobs based around 'green' things over the next few years.

These tax incentives show that Granholm accepts the premise that lower taxes bring jobs to Michigan. She is, however, giving these on an ad hoc basis to companies that will forward what she sees as her 'legacy.' However, she's enacting her economic plan to blow us away, or as we here in reality call it, a Fascist model of planning the private sector.

I'm serious. You know I'm not one to make seemingly outrageous claims like this...but Granholm's case-by-case evaluation of privately owned corporations for move-inducing tax incentives is the defintion of 'soft-Fascism.' Put this softie stuff on top of her iron fisted, anally constrictive regulation framework (once the corporations are actually in place) and you have carrot-and-whip, Moussolini model Fascism. Remember, the Nazis were the National Socialist German WORKERS Party...and what are the Dems? Buddies of Big Labor. It's scary stuff....GVSU itself is bribing (with actual money) students to tattle on others who break oppressively specific 'school rules. This, along with the snitch website of Obama's, shows a brutal, Brown-shirt trend among this nation's left that has me deeply worried.

This is further exposed by the Left's tendency toward Orwellian New Speak in calling small government conservatives, 'Nazis.' They can continue to do this, there's nothing stopping them. We just need to win the arguments. The little secret the elite media hides from us is that we are winning! Obama's losing on health care because of free-thinking, individual Americans not part of some socialist closed-shop union. Obama's lost the Gitmo-closing issue because of Dick Cheney and a thousands of discerning citizens in search of the truth.

Keep it up! :D

Check out this video:
Wouldnt it be nice to tell GM: "Hey, what will it take to bring your production back from Mexico? Lower taxes? What will make us better than Mexico or China?"

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