Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Abandonment

I say 'rebellion' because here I'll be discussing what is being left out on the general field as they unceasingly attack Obama. Many of the subjects may be reiterated behind a radio mic or on a television camera but this blog will customize the take on issues to show how they affect we the people and what we can do about them. So sit back and enjoy...

So what's happened??? The Republican Party is in shambles, loyalty is still high but the core principles have disappeared, they've nominated an uninspiring candidate not representing the base in any way, and Republicans across the nation in offices, elected by people wishing the government out of their lives, are expanding the bureaucracy. Many will blame this on the current President Bush.
During the Bush presidency we've seen everything from the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (which, following 9/11, I feel is needed) to the Medicare Prescription coverage expansion. The last time I checked, a $400billion entitlement expansion isn't the kind of conservatism Bush ran on in 2000. The whole compassionate conservatism thing was based on transferring government bureaucracy to private charity (based off the book 'Compassionate Conservatism' by Marvin Olasky). Frankly its plain frustrating when our politicians dont represent what we voted them in to do.
But I digress. I don't mean to tear down Bush too much: he's still... a good supporter of faith-based initiatives, got an iron backbone when it comes to the war, good on taxes, and good on NAFTA. I just mean to say that there are many instances in which the current administration has betrayed conservative principles. Now couple that with the current election situation and you generally have a frustrated base.
It's no secret that McCain is a lost soul, not a 'maverick', who can only inspire through fear. He's been bipartisan (which is to say, he's whored away his principles and given concessions to senate libs), he's been unifying (yes...again, concessions to libs), but these aren't the kind of traits that conservatives look for. We want an outsider who, like Bush, can stand strong with courage and create a majority. We see this in Mitt Romney: he's the kind of hostile-to-Washington candidate Reagan was.
A conservative who won the governorship of a liberal state. A conservative who was defeated by the same influence he seeks to end: the Washington culture. It is this culture that has tempted those that have betrayed our principles; we sent Bush there and they assimilated him. We sent a handful of Congresses there and they kept up the rhetoric of fiscal responsibility while allowing a spending spree on earmarks. This is why they lost in 2006: they ceased to be Republican conservatives.
So where are we now? I believe we have a decision to make. McCain is not our party leader. For the time that position is the President's. If McCain is to unexpectedly win in November, I will continue to remain loyal to Mitt. My leader will reflect my principles. I will not have a hero from a war two generations ago misrepresenting conservatism and changing the meaning of the word.

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