Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Concerning Race

Nearing the end of the school year, I was asked to by a first year teacher to attend a class discussion on politics. The class, Modern World History, was your typical rabble of politically indoctrinated public school attendees (the topic of the day was "Is religious involvement in government Fascist?" My response was "No, it is Fascist when what you believe becomes political.") that enjoyed another with an opinion differing from their teacher's. So, the discussion gradually came to race.
Many of the people reading will already understand my take on race. Many will have a partial take or no take at all; for all of them, I'll detail why I'm right :) . I am not a racist. Why? Because I do not recognize race itself. The fact stands that creating racial differences for whatever reason is racism, oppressive, prejudiced, and non-Christian.
The question I asked the Modern World History class was this: "Name for me the differences between what society considers a 'black man' and what society considers a 'white man.'" One sheepish student raised his hand and said something to the effect of "their previous condition of servitude" (obviously citing the Constitution). To this I responded, "find me one living former slave" and proceeded to pose the question again. A few moments' silence brought me to announce, "It's okay to say it, our politicians and bureaucrats recognize it. The difference is skin color." I continued, "And that is inherently racist, is it not?" (Some nods at this point) "Sure there are stats out there that tell us that 'blacks' commit more crimes and are more likely to be poor and drop out of high school. My answer is simple: so? Do all 'blacks' drop out and break the law? No. Do all 'whites' stay in school and within bounds of the law? No. So why not aim your programs at addressing groups as to their exploits and not their race?"
The reason is that the Democratic Party will not give up these divisions. Who's establishment has made a huge fuss about Obama's father being from Kenya? The liberal one. They've done this because they benefit from it. By making one candidate "this" and the other "this", you have all of "these" people voting for the one that you say is like them, and all of "these" people voting for the one you say is like them. It's a form of 'class' warfare. Typical tactics from those who have been infected by a socialist base. This division is seen in a short exchange I had with the teacher of this class...
"This is the kicker," I said to the class and paused for a moment, "Nigger." Immediately the teacher attempted to deter me from continuing. In response I asked, "Why is this word considered offensive?" No hands. "C'mon, why?" Still none, "It's because you've been told it's to be considered offensive. Is this offensive: you are all hermeneutics?" I pointed at one kid, "Is it?" His response was that he had no clue what the word meant. "Of course, so how can it be offensive? Would you find the word 'Nigger' offensive if the media, your teachers, and society as a whole didn't tell you it was to be? The answer's obviously no."
At this point the teacher interjected, "Regardless, it is still offensive and if you screamed it on my doorstep, I'd hide behind the nearest couch." It was perfect. The racism brought on by liberal divisiveness right there against my presentation.
I retorted, "That's the kind of racism I'm talking about. By saying that, it reveals that you think that what you consider the 'black community' is violent and destructive. Barbaric, even. Lesser than you?" Granted, this was putting words in his mouth, but hey, it's what you do in a political discussion.
Continuing where I left off, "The message I really just want to get across that race is a fabricated separation. The Bible tells us that all people on all shores are of one blood, and that is the blood of Christ." Acts 17:26 and Romans 12:5, if you're interested. "Outside the medical field, race doesn't exist. Government shouldn't involve race in anything. In our lives we shouldn't bind others in the chains of racial classification. Regardless from where our parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents came from, we are all Americans and should be seen by each other as that and only that. Any questions?"
This is all from memory about an event about a month ago. Needless to say, he didn't invite me back. Also, please leave comments on what you think of this entry. I know at least some people read it and it is time we started some discussion.
Any questions?

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