Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Conservababble, noun, any speech that is verbal, printed, or symbolic concerning how to achieve that which is Right, right, and good for America. See Ronald Wilson Reagan.

I feel that its time to give my two cents away to whoever will take them on this thing called the internet. I feel its time for change. I feel that many leaders on the Right have followed Bush's example and betrayed their principles and their followers. I feel its time for a little rebellion.
These leaders would not have us rebel. They would not have us fight and divide the Republican territory like gangs in Post-Katrina New Orleans. They fear Barack Hussein Obama. I, like Jefferson, hold that a little rebellion once in awhile is a good thing. That, after 28 years, the inherently good Republican establishment needs cleansing. Its time to burn down their cities. Shake things up a bit. We need to show them how to take back the political initiative of the age. How to be truly conservative again.
I hope to use this blog to generate some conservababble in the community surrounding me and, perhaps, the nation as a whole. Though the word may sound a little peculiar, the essence of the word is a grass-roots movement in the making. Join up, be a soldier in our little rebellion. What would Reagan do?

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