Sunday, July 27, 2008

Barack Hussein Obama is a Racist

On his website, there is a section where Hussein Obama's handlers respond to "Smears" with "Truths." What they dont really understand is that the truths are just as bad as the smears.

The following quote is offered as a "truth:"

"Yes, I'd seen weakness in other men--Gramps and his disappointments, Lolo and his compromise. But these men had become object lessons for me, men I might love but never emulate, white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela. And if later I saw that the black men I knew--Frank or Ray or Will or Rafiq--fell short of such lofty standards; if I had learned to respect these men for the struggles they went through, recognizing them as my own--my father's voice had nevertheless remained untainted, inspiring, rebuking, granting or withholding approval. You do not work hard enough, Barry. You must help in your people's struggle. Wake up, black man!"
Alrighty make your decision on it now...

Here's mine:

Martin Robison Delany, the first advocate of a "black nation." Malcolm X, 'black supremist' and founder of the 'Black Muslims'. W.E.B. DuBois, the self-described 'black socialist;' he advocated that the 'blacks' ought to overthrow the 'whites' by force. Nelson Mandela, respected by myself and the world for acting against apartheid in South Africa...though his actions were of terrorism and against the 'white ruling class;' (I'm actually quite sad that 'black separatist' Barack Obama is attempting to put himself on the same par as Mandela). It's all actually quite sad.

While McCain and the 'evil right-wing bloggers and pundits' hold men like George Washington, TJeff, Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Booker T. Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., and Ronald Reagan in high esteem; Hussein Obama holds these crazis, advocates of racial war, black supremacists, SOCIALISTS, Black Muslims, and Anti-American revolutionaries as his role models.

If you read my commentary on race, you'll find that Barack Hussein Obama's positions and causes are inherently racist and violently so when one considers that he disregards Martin Luther King Jr. and Booker T. Washington in his list of 'black heroes.'

I mourn the day the politically uneducated and misled masses elect this openly prejudiced, Anti-American hypocrite to the office fit for a bigger man.

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