Monday, July 21, 2008

Love Thy Neighbor

The integrity of the honest keeps them on track; the deviousness of crooks brings them to ruin.
Proverbs 11:3 [The Message]

I've been hearing a lot about the race for the 88th House District Seat, but it was interesting to finally see these nine candidates in person and in action as I sat in on the League of Women Voters' forum at Fennville High School.

Now, I'll admit that I'm no guru when it comes to politics; I still have much to learn. But something that always intrigues me when it comes to politicians is one's personality and attitude towards others. I haven't studied psychology enough to really read into what such things might mean, but I can make some guesses and, anyway, it's interesting.

More importantly, I feel the need to express my disgust at the behavior of one candidate in particular. I was absolutely appalled at Mr. Boorsma's behavior following the forum. Chris approached Mr. Boorsma to speak to him, and Chris hadn't even said two sentences before Mr. Boorsma and 3 of his family members swooped in, surrounding Chris in a half-circle (standing not more than 2 or 3 feet away), and began hurling accusations at him. They were upset about Chris's and Mr. Boorsma's previous meeting at the Dorr Business Association's forum at Open Dorr Reformed Church, and didn't even want to hear what Chris had to say about a different issue & his reason for approaching Mr. Boorsma in the first place (see the post above). The Boorsma camp rattled off statistics, accusations, and angry questions at "debate speed," and not in a terribly polite manner. To refer again to the body language, they all leaned in towards Chris, eyes wide and brows furrowed as they spoke in angry tones. Mr. Boorsma's attitude was furiously indignant, not to mention extremely defensive. Even as we walked out the door, they continued to shout after us.

Now, it's true that there was a decent amount of noise in the small area that everyone was hanging around in, and some of the Boorsmas' loud tones can be justified by the need to overcome said noise level. But, as I observed this confrontation from the edge of the half circle, I was shocked. Here was a man that was supposed to be a politician - a man that would be (and has been) dealing with all sorts of people, including ones that don't agree with him; a man that goes door-to-door, speaking to the people that would be responsible for securing his seat in the House; a man that, not half an hour before this confrontation, had declared his Christian values and insisted that we must love our neighbors as ourselves, no matter what - and he was speaking aggressively right in the face of what would be one of his constituents, not to mention he was in the presence of the rest of us and, more importantly, the presence of God! Does this sound like a show of a Christian attitude? Is this how he would treat someone if he was going door-to-door and a resident said they disagreed with him or wouldn't support him?

Let's say Chris had approached him in a similarly aggressive fashion - that he had hurled false accusations or crude insults at Mr. Boorsma in an impolite tone. (Of course, he didn't - he had hardly said anything at all.) Even if this had been the case, if Mr. Boorsma was to "practice what he preaches" or, religion/morality aside, to act like a mature professional - he would have listened to what Chris had to say and then refute the argument in a composed, courteous manner. He should have conducted himself in a respectful manner - to treat others the way he would like to be treated.

Mr. Boorsma, I know this post won't make you very happy, and I know that I'm not terribly important to you. But, politics and all else aside, I hope to God that the behavior I witnessed from you today is not the way you treat all that disagree with you. If you hope to have a future in politics; if you hope to continue to work with people on any level, be it business or political or otherwise; if, most importantly, you hope to carry out God's will and share true Christian values with others - then, Mr. Boorsma, I ask that you please start treating others with the respect, integrity, and love that you spoke of at tonight's forum. Because it's a sad thing to see someone profess their faith in Christ, only to turn around and revile a voter with considerable and unnecessary aggression.

After tonight's appalling display of behavior, Mr. Boorsma has proven himself to be a hypocrite and a downright mean person, and I wonder if his supporters would have such confidence in their candidate & his morals if they'd seen what I saw today.

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