Thursday, June 4, 2009

Call to Action: Local Government

I thought I'd do a quick reminder for you to not forget your local township or city meeting this month.... Ours is next week monday and, given the past few weeks' developments, it should be something 'fun.' I was reading up on local news (can we call it that?) to prepare for it when I happened upon some wonderful idiocy on the part of our township leaders: (from Heath Township Minutes)...
  • "The township does not know why this is taking place."
  • "Ron [supervisor] has spoken with one of the members and due to economic conditions they do not feel this would be a feasible issue to place before citizens as a ballot issue."
  • "This needs to be adopted in order for communities to remain eligible for federal and state mitigation funds. A motion was made by Boerman and supported by Schipper to adopt. All ayes. Motion carried."
  • "Sheila [clerk] commented he is free to contact any reporter and ask them to do an article addressing his concerns."
  • "Misti will contact our retired workers to fix this." For clarification, it's a gate that needs a Master Lock...
  • "Supervisor Jones was absent.;" "Schipper and Boerman were absent.;" "Treasurer Lindholm was absent.;" "Jones was absent."
I've made the decision to get involved because of the above list. The next predictable step is to urge you to make sure that the people your taxes are paying are actually doing their jobs...this is much more possible when these people are just 5 minutes away in one's go-mobile...that being either a legitimate car or an Obamamobile made kindly by UAW bureaucrats at Guvmint Motors....

So...go google your township or city, hit the meeting, and stir up some conservababble! American politics is opposed ( ;) ) to the economy: it's not trickle-down, our politics clamber upward...just like our is up to YOU to get rid of Chicagan cesspools in your area in order to prevent more infected pols.

UPDATE: Take the blog written by 'Live Dangerously' for example: "ORGANIZE: Take Muskegon Back!" That's getting involved and we ALL have to in order to beat a machine with more $ behind it. We'll take votes over contributions anyday :P

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