Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Minus posting droughts.......

I have to apologize for the lack of posts in the last few months...I realize many people have forgotten about Conservababble and moved on with their lives...hopefully not under Obama's spell.

A lot has happened since March 27th and we, as a family, have to get back to pooling our ideas together...and I, personally, have a few for discussion. These will have to wait...

In the future, I want this to be an intellectual forum. For instance, I'll put up a topic with some sources and, via the anonymous comment option, you can expand on it. Does this seem like a good idea?

Further than that, I think we can expand the scope to incorporate a common-idea outreach to conservatives in crisis. This stems from a former mill(?) worker I talked to in Plainwell that was supporting Obama due to his needing the benefits the Dems promised...though he was 'one of us' before he had lost his job. This is a situation we're seeing more and more...especially as men/breadwinners are disproportionately effected by recession. 

In order to win those votes, we have to win this argument. To do that, you have to reassure (i.e. use logic) a vast majority of unemployed conservatives against government "security"...this means giving to charity, studying scriptures for verbal use, talking to people you wouldnt generally discuss politics with, and anything else you can use to both divert attention away from Daddy Government and make necessary attention negative.

You and I can expand on this idea later but, for now, everyone has to keep up the fire alive within extended families and among neighbors, and co-workers. My next post will be logging what I've been doing since late March in the context of developing political relations skills....it has been interesting working in my antithesis (French restaurant in a gay mecca) and still spreading Conservababble at its usual pace.

1 comment:

Conservative Canvas said...

Conservatives are the party of logic, truth, and principles. And if we are to succeed we need to equip ourselves mentally and intelligently to win the argument. Memorizing Scripture and prayer should be our first source to understanding the battle we are in - a Spiritual one!

"Error does not become Truth because it is widely accepted; Truth does not become error, even when it stands alone."
- John MacArthur
