We all know about the federal CAFE standards for reduction in auto emissions, right? Well...remember these are federal, so they apply to the whole nation. This makes sense. It's easy to enforce and you the auto makers don't have to develop their own accounting firm to deal with it.
Change is a-comin'!
Obama wants to pass new standards; higher, of course, and that allow states to set their own (tighter) standards (Calipandering - Libs loving that blob of a state on the west coast - California wanted to set higher standards). Fourteen have decided to do so.
Why don't we just send a memo to GM, Ford, Chrysler, Nissan, Mazda, Honda Toyota, and all the rest of the auto industry and tell them we just cannot have them employing millions of our citizens anymore??? This is ridiculous! Every interstate auto manufacturer/supplier is going to have to put together its own accounting firm to deal with this idiot inconsistency - real good for the already hyperinflated overhead costs of the Big 3.
This can be illustrated through another, related problem: Why do gas prices get so high? Same inconsistency. Michigan has different standards than Indiana...so if there is a shortage in Michigan, prices go sky high because you cannot, as common sense would dictate, pump it up from Indiana because of bureaucratic, global-warming-scare regulations...
Perhaps I falsely hope that our legislators will adapt their standards to the Big 3 and Nissan as to make it consistent with those companies' locations outside of Michigan. We can only expect that our governor's intimate knowledge of how things don't work will serve to deny my hopes. Anyway, Dems are just proving, again, that they just fail to understand the role of government in America...
Simply put, it is government's job to create a stable, safe, and clean environment for all to exercise the vast well of opportunity that is our God-given right. Out of these three relative terms, stable is the most important for business, and having 36 states one way then have 14 others that are all radically different in their own individual ways is the antithesis of stable for interstate commerce. For this reason, I'm going to be calling these new standards the CAFETERIA list.
No particular acronym comes to mind, but the domestic auto industry is going to have the chaos of a poorly-designed cafeteria. I expect we'll be talking about this intellectual bankruptcy for a good long time and I'd like a chuckle unto myself when writing about it.
Change is a-comin'!
Obama wants to pass new standards; higher, of course, and that allow states to set their own (tighter) standards (Calipandering - Libs loving that blob of a state on the west coast - California wanted to set higher standards). Fourteen have decided to do so.
Why don't we just send a memo to GM, Ford, Chrysler, Nissan, Mazda, Honda Toyota, and all the rest of the auto industry and tell them we just cannot have them employing millions of our citizens anymore??? This is ridiculous! Every interstate auto manufacturer/supplier is going to have to put together its own accounting firm to deal with this idiot inconsistency - real good for the already hyperinflated overhead costs of the Big 3.
This can be illustrated through another, related problem: Why do gas prices get so high? Same inconsistency. Michigan has different standards than Indiana...so if there is a shortage in Michigan, prices go sky high because you cannot, as common sense would dictate, pump it up from Indiana because of bureaucratic, global-warming-scare regulations...
Perhaps I falsely hope that our legislators will adapt their standards to the Big 3 and Nissan as to make it consistent with those companies' locations outside of Michigan. We can only expect that our governor's intimate knowledge of how things don't work will serve to deny my hopes. Anyway, Dems are just proving, again, that they just fail to understand the role of government in America...
Simply put, it is government's job to create a stable, safe, and clean environment for all to exercise the vast well of opportunity that is our God-given right. Out of these three relative terms, stable is the most important for business, and having 36 states one way then have 14 others that are all radically different in their own individual ways is the antithesis of stable for interstate commerce. For this reason, I'm going to be calling these new standards the CAFETERIA list.
No particular acronym comes to mind, but the domestic auto industry is going to have the chaos of a poorly-designed cafeteria. I expect we'll be talking about this intellectual bankruptcy for a good long time and I'd like a chuckle unto myself when writing about it.