Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Devaluation of Human Life

Another example of the steady devaluation of human life that has been happening since Roe v. Wade appeared on some driveby media establishment. (link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28521854/)

Sadly, a baby that had died was thrown out with the trash and debate rages between the parents -who can gain cash from the fiasco- and the hospital as to when he died. In New Jersey, according to the drive-by's, a stillborn isnt considered human. I thought the North Eastern Lib'rals liked standing up for the littlest guys of all...

I post this because of my distant mourning for the child and those like him while I wish to comment on the weight of this court case. The courts decision could set a precedent (the parents claim the baby was alive for 20 minutes) that would either revalue or devalue further the life of babies. Progressive and subsequent court cases in more moderate states, if the decision is to destroy the rights of children more, would move the 'bar' (no pun intended) up in age destroying the rights of kids living for 30 minutes, an hour, two hours, a day, a week, a month, 9 months, a year, 5 years, perhaps anything under 18! It's crazy, but the prophetic lyrics of the song "Anything Goes" tell it how it is.

For instance, you can drop your kid off in Nebraska and leave and the state will take care of them...just the beginning.


RightMichigan.com said...

Thanks for highlighting this one. It is a much more serious issue, I think, than folks think it is right now. You're spot on.

Not that we should be surprised by whatever tragic decision comes out of the courts, of course. I mean, there's nothing but a few inches of geography protecting newborns right now.


Unknown said...

Thank you for posting your thoughts on this. You bring up a great point.

As I've been doing research on abortion, it's incredible to realize that this "gargantuan weed" was planted many, many years ago. And it has grown into this horrible weed. That threatens to overtake all forms of life.

I think our generation needs to ... "re-message" abortion. The term has become clique. I think we should start telling people what really happens in the abortion process. Promote helping mothers. And assisting those that have had abortions into healing. This "disease" hurts our culture more than we know.